South Africa celebrates 20 years of democracy this year. Upon reflection, we find more questions than answers. What is certain though, is that life in 2014 is vastly different from what it was in 1994. Notable catalysts of this remarkable transformation are the heroic deeds that men and women of this country, in every field of endeavour, have put into creating a new and better life for themselves and for future generations—often against the grain. As we change gear and look to the next 20 years, we celebrate the unassumingly industrious people of this beautiful land. If we have learnt anything at all, it’s that the future they are building is anything but inevitable.
The Forum, Campus Office Park
Crn Sloane Street & Main Road
Johannesburg, Gauteng, 2191
South Africa
Crn Sloane Street & Main Road
Johannesburg, Gauteng, 2191
South Africa