TEDxGatewayArch will again provide the ideal forum to learn, mingle and expand your mind. Entrepreneurs, philanthropists, physicians, musicians and more will expand our views of how to achieve results and blaze new paths for others. Networking will interlace the presentations to produce a relaxed yet stimulating event.
VIP Tickets will include invitation to speaker reception on Septmber 22 at T-Rex's new 5th floor space and early registration to visit exhibitors.
Speakers to date:
Rocio Romero - Sustainable Architect/Designer
Edie Varley - Emotional Intellegence
Emily Bradley Koplar - Founder/Clothing Designer Wai Ming
Ginger Imster - Exec. Director of Arch Grants
Theresa Carrington - Founder of "The Blessing Basket Project"
Nichol Hudson - A design Pecha Kucha (PK)
Will be updated as the nights program is filled out.
St. Louis, Missouri, 63130
United States
- Event type:
- Salon (What is this?)
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.