TEDxHongKong2014 is all about "GREEEN!” This year we move forward beyond traditional “green” topics such as recycling to even more provocative and complex “GREEEN” subjects just as active leadership, fintech and smartcities. Accomplished and inspirational speakers from around the world and home in Hong Kong will gather and share their insights and experiences on rapidly changing fields such as effective leadership, the intelligence and the scalability of emerging cities and their citizens and the technology of money and finance.
Section I - Smartz
Linda Kennedy - Humorist writer and broadcaster
Colin Jones - Professor, Kyoto University, Wall Street Lawyer
Steve Youngwood - Board Member, Leapfrog, Former EVP & GM Digital Media & Entertainment at Nickelodeon
Erwin McManus - Fashion Entrepreneur, Founder, Mosaic
Harald Neidhardt - Founder, MLOVE
King’s Harmonica Trio - World Class Classical Harmonica Performer
Section II - FinTech
Etienne MOTTET - OpenCBS, CEO - StartmeupHK Semifinalist
Gustav Borgefalk - Sqore - startmeuphk finalist from Sweden
Mike Pellegrino - Founder, IP Software Inc
Michael Trautmann - Founder, CEO Thjnk, Founder dotHIV domain initiative
Esimorp - Band
Makha Diop - Performer, African drum-dance group
Section III - Forward!
Charles Caldwell - Director of HR, ESF; Former Sr. Dir of HR Juniper Networks Asia
Maks Giordano - MD, Co-Founder, Kreait, Founder Berlin Chapter - Founder Institute
Marian Gaultney - Consultant, International Business Development
Sunny Wong - Chairman, Carlsberg China
Paul Ogata - Comedian
Section IV - SmartCity
Charlie Hung - MD, Co-Founder, Rocket Internet China
Jonathan Jaglom - General Manager of Stratasys AP Ltd., Asia Pacific & Japan
Michael Perry - Communications Outreach, DJI Innovations
George Thomas - Partner, Director of Smartcities, Greater China, IBM
Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.