Alex Andreou
Alex Andreou left a promising career - much to the chagrin of his mother - in law and market investigation to train as an actor at London's Poor School at the tender age of 38. Since then he has played, mostly unpleasant people on stage, directed, appeared in films and taught Shakespeare.
With his "writing hat" on, he is a regular contributor to the New Statesman, writes for BBC Radio 4 and weekly for The Guardian newspaper. His first novel is due to be published in 2015. Alex is a keen poverty campaigner, political commentator and advocate on migrants' rights.
Colin Yeo
Colin is a barrister, blogger and campaigner at Garden Court Chambers in London. He edits the Free Movement immigration and asylum law blog, which he founded in 2007. Colin specialises in immigration and asylum law representing those affected by the UK’s harsh immigration rules.
Kiri Kankhwende
Kiri is a journalist and blogger who specialises in immigration and politics. She has a background in communications and human rights campaigning and is Special Projects manager at Media Diversified. She has written for the Guardian and the Independent, and has been a contributor on the BBC and Al-Jazeera.
Tatiana Garavito
Tatiana is a migrants rights activist and was named Women on the Move: Young Woman of the Year in 2014. She is the former director of Indoamerican Refugee and Migrant Organization and recently Latin American Women's Rights Service. Tatiana has worked closely with migrant workers, young Latin Americans, refugees, asylum seekers, unaccompanied children negotiating their way in the UK. Tatiana is currently organising different migrant communities through grassroots campaign #MigrantsContribute.