Fabiana Goyeneche
Joven abogada y escribana pública, aspirante a profesora de derecho penal y criminología, fundadora y vocera del movimiento que dio un vuelco a la opinión pública de todo el Uruguay.
Young lawyer, notary and aspiring criminal law and criminology professor, founder and speaker for the movement that turned Uruguayan public opinion around.
Jesús Perdomo
Residente en Castillos, Uruguay, reconocido docente, periodista e historiador local, contador de aventuras y naufragios. Con sus mapas personalizados y evocaciones históricas, el señor Perdomo recorre centros educativos urbanos y rurales Rocha compartiendo su saber.
He lives in Castillos, Uruguay and is a well-known teacher, journalist and local historian, and he likes to tell tales of adventure and shipwreck. With his handmade maps and historical evocations, Mr Perdomo visits rural and urban education centres, sharing his knowledge.
Magdalena Rodríguez
Emprendedora y co-creadora de GPSGAY, votada la mejor en el mundo en 2014. Magdalena y su pareja fundaron su empresa a los 25 años de edad y en el camino no solo han ganado premios sino que han moldeado una nueva forma de trabajar.
Entrepreneur and co-creator of GPSGAY, voted best app in the world 2014. Magdalena and her partner founded their company aged 25 and along the way have not just gathered many awards but have developed a new approach towards work.
Richard Fariña