Butoh Group
Nobuo Harada is a dancer, founder of Butoh Seiryukai and also researcher at Kawai Institute for Culture and Education. Now based in Fukuoka, he performs both comedy and drama, artistically and inartistically, as a manly dancer in women’s dress.
Akira Hirobe
Marketing Development Specialist
Akira Hirobe is a market developer of Arita Pottery. He works to promote unique Japanese products, including traditional goods --both in Japan and internationally. As both a maker and endorser of these goods, he gives new value to people’s lives by letting them experience these remarkable products.
Nature and The Future Inc., Representative Director
星子 文
Aya Hoshiko is the founder of Nature and Future, Inc., which refines and sells biodiesel.
She received a Ministry of the Environment Prize recognizing her efforts to involve others in the prevention of global warming.
CEO of Nepal Friendship Center / The founder of TEDxSapporo
Dillip BK Sunar is the founder of the NGO, Tsubomi Gakko Pokhara Nepal, in Japan to address social issues, including the issue of ensuring adequate educational support for impoverished children. He completed a charity walk in which he travelled a total distance of 917km on foot.
Kenji Yahiro
Green Hand Union Inc., CEO, The Institute of Organic Papa Unity, President
Kenji Yahiro is the founder of Green Hand Union and Organic Papa. He now focuses his energy on the relationship between agriculture and welfare, assisting persons with social disabilities to find employment on corporate farms.
Kendama Player
元々BMXライダーだった彼は、BMXやスケートボードのように、けん玉も技と技を繋ぎ合わせる「コンボ」が作れることに着目し、その楽しさにのめり込む。 そして、オリジナルのコンボを次々と習得し、YouTubeを使った動画配信をおこなっていたところ、国内のストリートシーンを始め、海外でも話題となっていく。
Kendaman is well known as one of the world's leading street-kendama performers, and for having brought about an unprecedented kendama boom in Japan. While he was a BMX rider, he spent his free time trying to create “combo” moves with known kendama tricks, and discovered a passion for kendama.
Adventitiously Blind Photographer
Ryo Hirosawa is an adventitiously blind photographer. Despite a complete loss of sight several years ago, Ryo's instinct for photography did not die; he uses techniques called Flash Sonar™ Echolocation to continue taking photos of his daily life.
廣澤亮氏は、偶発的に目が見えなくなった写真家。全盲になっても写真を撮る勘は全く失われておらず、エコロケーションとフラッシュソナーというテクニックを使って撮影し続けるやんちゃでお茶目な写真家である。リハビリと新たな出会いの中で、「World Access for the blind」の創始者であるダニエル・キッシュ氏に出会い、彼よりフラッシュソナーとエコロケーションを習得することで、音で「見る」ことができることを知って、研さんを積んでいる。
aedi works, Co.,Ltd., CEO
株式会社aedi works. CEO
Seiya Takenaka, the CEO of aedi works, developed a fashion brand while still a student. Seiya developed the social network service application, “Sqore,” a recruitment platform that offers skill-based competitions to connect opportunity seekers with employers and universities all over the world.
Shinichi Hanada
Independent Curator
1972年福岡市生、福岡県北九州市在住。北九州市立美術館学芸員を経て現在フリーランスで九州芸文館ほかで美術展企画を担当。主な企画「6th北九州ビエンナーレ~ことのはじまり」「千草ホテル中庭PROJECT」「ながさきアートの苗プロジェクト2010in伊王島」「街じゅうアート in 北九州2012 ART FOR SHARE」。企画協力「第5回福岡アジア美術トリエンナーレ2014」「釜山ビエンナーレ2014特別展」他。タイ、ラオス、カンボジア、ベトナム、韓国で美術調査(2009-12)
Shin-ichi Hanada is a curator in charge of planning art projects at Kyushu-Geibunkan Art Center as well as other venues. His main projects have included, the 6th Kitakyushu Biennale Project, the direction of the Chigusa Hotel Courtyard Project and the Nagasaki Art Plant Project 2010.
Speaker, Author, Lifestyle Producer
Soness Stevens is a Global Communications practitioner. She gives voices to those who seemingly don’t speak out. She is the English voice for Hello Kitty! She’s an associate professor in Yokohama National University, where she has spent fifteen years teaching students about business presentations.
Urban Designer, Architect, KANKYO Design KIKOH, Representative Director
Toshihiro Sato is the president of Kankyo Design Kiko Inc., which is involved in a variety of projects, including city planning, designing a new sandpit for a kindergarten, rebuilding historic sites, and designing for the environment and future generations.
Assistant Professor at University of Tsukuba, Principle Investigator of Digital Nature Group, Media Artist
1987年東京生まれ。東京大学大学院学際情報学府博士課程を飛び級で修了し、2015年より筑波大学助教に着任。コンピュータとアナログなテクノロジーを組み合わせ、新しい作品を次々と生み出し「現代の魔法使い」と称される。応用物理,計算機科学,アートコンテクストを融合させた作品制作・研究に従事。経済産業省Innovative Technologies賞&特別賞やFortune誌によるWorld Technology Awardなど他にも数多く受賞。研究室ではデジタルとアナログ、リアルとバーチャルの区別を越えた新たな人間と計算機の関係性である「デジタルネイチャー」を目指し研究に従事している。
Yoichi Ochiai is a media artist and assistant professor of Tsukuba University. He works on new inventions and research through a mixture of applied physics, computer science, and art. He has received the Innovative Technologies Prize from METI, the World Technology Award from Fortune.
Sefuri Inc., Representative Director
Yoshihiko Haruyama founded Sefuri, Inc. with a vision to make a system to help people rediscover the richness of nature through utilization of IT and smartphones. He has released the map application, “YAMAP” in order to help individuals lost in the wilderness or experiencing natural disasters.
REHAB INTERIORS Inc., Representative Director
池田 由里子
Yuriko Ikeda is the founder of REHAB INTERIORS. Interior Rehabilitation is now helping medical welfare facilities to thrive in their regions by both utilizing their surroundings and more adequately reflecting their respective company visions in the designs of their interiors.