x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Zeitenwende

This event occurred on
September 27, 2017
Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen

It it's 5th year TEDxMünster got hosted for the 2nd time at the castle of Münster featuring the theme "Zeitenwende"(turning points). Ten speakers took us on a unique journey and shared their very personal ideas, looking at current changes and challenges we face within our societies.

Schloss Münster
Schlossplatz 2
Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, 48143
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Anna Stumpf

Interaction Designer
People often are afraid to go to an opera concert because they feel like they do not belong there socially. Anna Stumpf explains how to work yourself into the special world of opera at the TEDxMünster event. She herself felt restricted and never went to an opera for social reasons until someone finally bought her tickets as a gift. Today, she is a passionate opera connoisseur and even started her own blog, “How to opera”. In this blog she gives an instruction manual to opera novices on how to feel like you belong at the concert. Now Stumpf has been nominated for the Grimme-Online-Award.

Guido Ritter

In the year 2050, there will be approximately 10 billion people living on Earth. How will we be able to feed all of these people? Nutritionist, Guido Ritter projects the idea that we will need to turn to insects as a protein source. As a professor at the higher learning institute at Münster, he has been busy researching and developing an appreciation for incorporating insects into our daily food necessities.

Hamed AlHamed

Graphic Designer
Two years ago, Hamed AlHamed fled with his brother from Syria to Germany. In Syria, he worked as a graphic designer and secondary teacher. In Germany, he does presentations about Syria and his escape to Germany. Meanwhile he says about his life in Germany: “I am safe here, but that doesn’t mean that I am well.” At TEDxMünster, Hamed will talk about a topic that hasn’t yet received a lot of attention: How do refugees feel when they are finally safe in a new environment but the war continues in their heads? And how do they cope with living a normal life again while family and friends back home are still at risk of dying?

Iris Proff

Cognitive Scientist
Scientists and companies are working on technologies that can be integrated into our bodies. But do we really want to implant our smartphones into our skin? Iris Proff would intuitively say: better not. At TEDxMünster, she will explain further. Many technologies of the future will help us with new skills and connect people in new ways that aren’t possible today.

Malumbo Chipofya

Geographic Information Scientist
In many regions of Africa, land, property lines, and tenure are still unsettled which puts especially nomadic people at risk of losing their way of life. Researching at the University of Münster, Malawian computer scientist Malumbo Chipofya has collaborated on building software that can resolve these issues. However, when he and his colleagues traveled to Kenya to demonstrate their software, they received a surprise: people laughed. And Malumbo Chipofya learned a lot about cultural differences.

Nicholas Müller

Six years ago the band Jupiter Jones had their biggest success. The song „Still“ is about the death of the mother of singer Nicholas Müller. Three years later he had to leave the band because of an anxiety disorder, which began on the day of his mother’s funeral. At TEDxMünster, Nicholas Müller talks about the fears we all have. We are all too anxious, Nicholas says, because of our inability to accept the things we cannot change.” He says: „It is only shit when it is shit.“

Patrick Richardt

Four years ago, he came to fame with his Indie Hit „Adé Adé“. Intro-Magazin commented „Udo Lindenberg and Jan Plewka are green with jealousy“. In March 2017, he released a new album. Maybe, you’ve seen him live. He was on tour with Tees Uhlmann‚ Sportfreude Stiller und Kettcar.

Ralf Heller

Advertisement Expert
Companies in Germany spend 30 billion Euros per year on advertising. Most of the messaging doesn’t reach the target consumer, simply because advertising is annoying. Ralf Heller, CEO of the Freiburger advertising consultancy, Virtual Identity, will point out how the lives of many would be made easier, if companies would only use 5 percent of their advertising budgets in a different way than they are doing today.

Sarai Pahla

Medical Translator
When people take the time to understand what autism really means, both sides benefit from it. At TEDxMünster, Sarai Pahla tells of her experiences with autism. She grew up in South Africa, but did not receive her diagnoses until much later. Pahla was lucky however because her parents gave her much freedom despite her idiosyncrasies. Now she lives in Düsseldorf and works as a freelance medical translator.

Wieland Stolzenburg

There is nothing that other people can do to help us with bad feelings. When we feel frustrated or are in a bad mood, the issue lies within ourselves, and it completely depends on ourselves to find a solution. At TEDxMünster, relationship psychologist, Wieland Stolzenburg advocates the fact that people should take responsibility for their own emotions and become independent from other people´s behaviour.

Organizing team


Münster, Germany


Muenster, Germany
  • Jin Rhee
  • Kai Heddergott
  • Ramathulaschi Srimurugan
    Team member
  • Wiebke Borgers