x = independently organized TED event

Theme: (Re)Imagining the Future

This event occurred on
November 18, 2017
Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg

Which ideas and developments will transform our society or the relationship between society and individual in the future?

Nobody can foresee the future and still all of us have very different ideas of what it could look like – or should look like. The talks at TEDxKIT 2017 tackle questions such as: Which ideas and visions exist with regard to our social, societal or economic development? Which new forms of living are evolving? In which direction is mobility moving? Will new forms of working transform our life? How will we communicate? Which developments will permanently influence relationships between people? Which developments are fundamentally changing the political landscape? Get ready for an exciting afternoon!

Neues Kollegiengebäude
Englerstr. 2
Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, 76131
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­K­I­T events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Christian Tschersich

Christian Tschersich is project leader in the renowned architectural office LAVA in Berlin. LAVA designs everything from master-plans and urban centres, to homes made out of PET bottles to ‘reskinning’ aging 60s icons, from furniture to hotels, houses and airports of the future. He studied architecture at KIT, and currently works as a lecturer at the KIT Department of Architecture and the CIEE GAD in Prague.

Christoph May

Christoph May gründete 2016 das ‚Institut für kritische Männerforschung‘. In Vorträgen und Workshops spricht er über Start-up-Männlichkeit und Radikalisierung, über Sprachgewalt und Frauenhass. Er schreibt einen Blog und aktuell an seiner Doktorarbeit über ‚Graffiti – Von Männern und Mauern‘.

Christoph Schneider

Christoph Schneider is co-founder of FabLab in Karlsruhe. From 2012 until 2017, he worked as research assistant at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis at KIT. In March he completed his Ph.D. at the Munich Center for Technology in Society of the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Since April 2017, Christoph Schneider works as Post-Doc at the Chair of Sociology of Science at the TUM.

Juan Romero

Juan Romero studied music at University of Music in Karlsruhe. He now works as computer musician, guitar player and iOS developer.

Marius Wrobel

Marius Wrobel ist Tanztrainer (lizenziert vom Deutschen Tanzsportverband DTV) in südbadischen Tanzsportclubs und Verwaltungsangestellter im Universitätsklinikum Freiburg im Breisgau.

Martin Lehmann-Waldau

Martin Lehmann-Waldau wurde in Mediation am Zentrum für gewaltfreie Aktion Baden ausgebildet. Zusätzlich nutzt er die hypnosystemische Arbeit nach Dr. Stephen Gilligan und Dr. Stephen Paul Adler. Aufgrund seines langjährigen Aufenthalts in Südasien (Himalaya) als Trekking-Organisator und freier Journalist ist er versiert in interkultureller Arbeit und im Umgang mit Gruppendynamiken unter Stress.

Patrick Borgeat

Patrick studied music at the University of Music in Karlsruhe. He now is a computer musician, visual artist and coder.

Patrick Borget

Patrick studied music at the University of Music in Karlsruhe. He now is a computer musician, visual artist and coder.

Piotr Tomczyk

Born in Karpkowice, Poland, in 1980, he now lives and works in Karlsruhe, Germany. In 2012 he founded BIK performance to present Butoh and dance performances throughout the city of Karlsruhe. From 2011 to 2013 he was an ensemble member of the dance theatre Gabriela Lang in Karlsruhe. For the exhibition „"Sasha Waltz. Installations Objects Performances" at the Center for Art and Media (ZKM) Piotr Tomczyk has worked with Sasha Waltz.

Thorsten Bauer

Thorsten Bauer ist Medienkünstler und Gründer der URBANSCREEN GmbH & Co. KG. URBANSCREEN GmbH & Co. KG ist sowohl ein Künstlerkollektiv als auch ein kreatives Unternehmen, das Medienkunstproduktionen designt, entwickelt und inszeniert. Das Unternehmen produziert Medienkunst für den internationalen Kunstmarkt.

Torsten Kröger

Torsten Kröger is founder and former CEO of Reflexxes, a startup that commercialized software for deterministic robot movement planning in real time. In 2014, Reflexxes was taken over by Google, where Torsten Kröger was responsible for robot software and also coordinated research activities between DeepMind, Boston Dynamics, Google Research, and X until 2017. In the spring of this year, Torsten Kröger was appointed Head of the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics of KIT.

Ute Schepers

Ute Schepers is group leader at the Institute of Toxicology and Genetics (ITG) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. She studied chemistry in Bonn, did her PhD in biochemistry and habilitated at KIT in 2011. In 1998, she became a research associate at the department of cell biology at Harvard Medical School. Since 2001, she has been doing research on organspecific molecular transporters, tissue engineering and vascularization of 3D tissues. Her research group developed the prototype of the vasQchip. She initiated the foundation of vasQlab and still supports the spin-off as member of the advisory board.

Organizing team

Lueckert Leon

Stuttgart, Germany


Karlsruhe, Germany
  • Domenica Riecker-Schwoerer
  • Dominik Kuhn
  • Nico Brähler
  • Stefanie Failenschmid
  • Viktoria Fitterer