Alexia Audevart
Artificial Intelligence
Data scientist
David Princay
He is a specialist in blockchain and crypto currency.
dzvid Princay
Georges-Henri Laffont
Doctor in urbanism
He is doctor in urbanism and land use planing.
Gerard Baillard
Consulting and expert in selling
Jean-Jacques Savin
Navigator. He built a sort of big barrel to cross the ocean.
Jerome Beauvois
He is architect and land developer.
Marion Berthaut
Expert in dyslexia
She is an expert in dyslexia and all the dysfunction of the cognitiv system.
Maud Mood
She defines herself as a "dream like" singer.
Pascal Roulois
Neuropedagogie, former, teacher and researcher
Philippe Nicolas
Teacher and adventurer
He teaches in a different way and organises adventures in the North Pole with his classes of teenagers.
Sebastien Ecault
He is a specialist in cobotique : for example, how the cobots can helps human beings in their physical tasks.
Sophie Deram
Nutrionnist and agronome ingenior
She is specialised in the children and teenagers obesity and other food disorders. She explains the relation between neurosciences and how we feed ourselves.
Stephanie Raphael
She is an artist and a teacher in orality.
Vincent Cespedes
He is philosophe, writer and composer (he plays piano).