x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Perspectives Without Borders

This event occurred on
December 3, 2011
2:00pm - 6:00pm +08
(UTC +8hrs)

Who are the women leading change? What ideas are they championing? How are they shaping the future? Global TEDxWomen 2011 continued amazing conversations connecting with numerous TEDx events around the world, including us in Singapore.

TEDxSingaporeWomen was a collaborative event with TEDxWomen in New York and Los Angeles and over 80 TEDx events across the globe.

Dynamic and passionate local TEDxSingaporeWomen speakers and artistes shared their ideas, talents and endeavours with Singapore and the world. These are women who challenge what you think you know with their experiences, their accomplishments and their insights. An activist on how something as basic as access to proper sanitation can change the course of a life. A martial artist on how to overcome stereotypes and live your passion - and kick butt while you're at it, and other women who are making a difference. The evening ended with a Think+Eat+Drink Party, with lots of mixing and mingling among thinkers and doers, visionaries, passionate people of the TED community in Singapore.

Let us also honor 113-yr old Teresa Hsu, one of the world's oldest and compassionate person, humanitarian, and TEDxSingaporeWomen 2010 speaker who passed away on 7 Dec. Before she left us, she was chosen among all of Singapore in the Global Search For Incredible, and was recognised for her contribution to the world:

Truly, Teresa was an Everyday Hero, InsideOut, inspiring many others in world including us:

To get announcements and invitations to attend all future local and global events in Singapore, join our facebook page and/or twitter feed.

Event type:
TEDxWomen (What is this?)
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Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Sarah Cheng

A singer, songwriter, photographer & Radio DJ performs her signature and unique blend of soul, jazz and pop.

Lila Everard

More about Lila Everard A martial artist who went from metaphorically trading blows in the courtroom to literally trading them on a day-to-day basis. After quitting her job as a lawyer within 24 hours, Lila and her husband travelled the world for 4 years, learning skills, lessons and philosophies of life from numerous Masters of martial arts around the world. She was born in Tahiti (French Polynesia). Lila and her husband Fred, left her home in Tahiti for a “Martial Arts and traditional medicines” trip around the world for 4 years without going home, sleeping in dojos, in temples, or directly at their instructors’ place ; training all over the world with Masters of several Martial Arts, monks and healers. They have trained in China, Vietnam, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Tibet, Philippines, Lebanon, USA, Hawaii, Tahiti, France, Germany, Canada, searching for knowledge and sharing it, teaching seminars all over the world. Lila now lives in Singapore where she runs a school called Kali Majapahit. Follow Lila's life journey of passion, purpose and happiness from breaking out of existing expectations and above all, how she is changing the world one black belt at a time

Grace Sai

Grace is the founder of Books for Hope and co-founder of The Hub, Singapore, a co-working space, event series platform and a community of global change makers. In her free time, she consults, writes and speaks about social entrepreneurship to youth, universities, non-profits and corporations. She believes in the good of business in changing the world and is comfortable being called a Mother Theresa and Richard Branson combined. Grace’s vision for the future is for every organization in the world to be a social enterprise, in big or small ways - until every child goes to school, every vulnerable person becomes no longer vulnerable, every part of nature is renewed and no one dies of preventable diseases. She has a business degree from Nanyang Business School and an MBA from the University of Oxford where she graduated with Distinction and was a Skoll Scholar.

So-Young Kang

So-Young Kang is Catalyst, Founder & CEO of Awaken Group, a global leadership development and organizational experience design firm. She is passionate about transforming the world through inspiring and developing “human, creative, adaptive” leaders. She and her team design organizations, how people interact with each other, and work with individuals to better align what’s inside with what’s on the outside to develop innovative solutions and create beautiful experiences. So-Young is passionate about integrating East-West values and mindsets and has traveled around the world to observe, listen, experience, and be transformed so that she, in turn, can catalyze sustainable change. She loves investing in youth and founded The Young Professionals’ Group in 2000, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping students achieve their professional dreams. This non-profit, just expanded into Singapore, rewards character over grades and focuses on providing financial support and advice from a highly accomplished global network of advisors. She loves new ideas and new ventures and is excited to have joined the TED Community in 2009. So-Young is an avid snowboarder, scuba diver, explorer, musician, creative and vulnerable human. Be gentle.

Nikki Shaw

Nikki is a water & sanitation (watsan) engineer with a passion for toilets. With a career spanning two decades and five continents, Nikki has extensive watsan expertise in both industrial and developing countries. From rural water supply systems in Botswana, grassroots sanitation provision projects in Cambodia, to designing sewerage for Hong Kong tower blocks and Singapore MRT systems, she has learned many valuable lessons. Her biggest takeaway is: Safe toilets are the key to everything good

Organizing team

L. Light

Melbourne, Australia


  • The Curatorial Team TEDxSingapore
    ~for passion, for people, for purpose
  • MayAnne Cheong, Eileen Feng and Saira Syed
    Curators of TEDxSingaporeWomen
  • Infocus Asia
  • Daniel Poh
  • Carolyn Lim
  • Tim Hamons
    Visualiser from