x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
December 4, 2021
Taipei, Taipei

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Xue Xue
No. 207, Sec. 2, Tiding Blvd., Neihu Dist
Taipei, Taipei, 114
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Neihu events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Alex Huang

CEO of Art River
《買畫也能賺大錢》的作者黃河老師即將在 TEDxNeihu 開講了~~ 黃河老師為華人藝術市場學導師、Art Taipei 的共同創辦人,在藝術界已經有40年的資歷,畢生致力於研究國際藝市、藝術品的實質價值及藝市學教育。 藝術原本是人類文明發展的見證,21世紀的全球化發展,使得藝術與金融的關係日益密切, 「功利主義」阻斷了社會大眾對藝術品的基本認知,但藝術這檔事兒並沒有一般人想像中容易。 黃河老師將利用18分鐘,把他最新的硏究心得用最簡易的方式表達,如果你也想要進入藝術職埸或只是想單純了解藝術之美,TEDxNeihu 都歡迎你。

Brando Huang

Taiwanese Actor
提到黃鐙輝這個名字,相信大家都會聯想到他在綜藝節目搞笑的表現,但他對自己的期待遠高於此,不但跨足主持、演戲、演唱成為一位全方位的藝人,並勇於挑戰不同角色,讓觀眾發現他除了能帶來歡樂,更是一位成功塑造人性各面向的實力派演員,2019年更以《奇蹟的女兒》奪下金鐘獎迷你劇集/電視電影最佳男配角。 面對工作、家庭、生活的挑戰,讓他不斷突破自己的原因竟然是恐懼!? 黃鐙輝將站上TEDxNeihu 的舞台分享他鐙大人的人生哲學,讓大家在聽演講時不僅能收穫滿滿也能笑聲滿堂~

Chia Ling Lo

Tokyo 2020 Olympics taekwondo bronze medal match
2020 東京奧運為台灣奪下跆拳道銅牌的中華小將羅嘉翎,這次不是站上跆拳道場,而是登上 TEDxNeihu 的舞台演講! 東奧轉播的時候,你是否也在電視機前與親友一起她加油呢? 是否也很好奇這麼優秀的選手到底是怎麼走到今天的呢? 出生於跆拳道世家的羅嘉翎,從幼稚園開始就學習跆拳道,除了要專注當下、做好每一次的訓練,也需要調適好面對比賽難以承受的壓力,和多數堅持理念的人一樣,她也一度卻步、受挫過,每當很累想放棄的時候,她試著推自己一把,卻發現那些以為過不去的坎,才是突破自我最快的方式,領悟到勇於堅持、無懼才能帶來真正的力量和喜悅。 羅嘉翎將在 TEDxNeihu 以「踢出下一場勝利」為主題,與大家分享如何面對過程的挑戰以及一路走來的心路歷程!

Ching Hui Chen

Director of Nuwa Fertility Center
Ching Hui Chen, Director of Nuwa Fertility Center. Due to the trend of late marriage, childbirth has become something that requires "planning" in advance like financial management. How people choose the "appropriate" timing to have children according to their schedule is manageable with modern medication.

Ining Tung

CCO of Awesomeworks Production Ltd
現任翔聲國際內容長的童ㄧ寧,曾擔任電影「大尾鱸鰻 2」、人生劇展「幸福牌電冰箱」的編劇,更是在自媒體影評創下兩岸網路流量破百萬的紀錄!並投資蓋了全台灣第一個醫院實景棚,讓台灣影視圈有個可以好好發揮的空間,希望未來能拍出很多部足以勝過韓國、日本、甚至好萊塢的醫療劇。 在2021的TEDxNeihu 年會Ining 將以「殭屍」為題材與聽眾分享台灣影視圈的內幕及觀點。 恐怖片是國際電影市場上幾乎不會失敗的投資項目之一,殭屍電影是世界共通的語言,跨越了語言、膚色的普世價值,更是門「好生意」。

Jack Chu

CEO of FST Network
Jack used to serve as an affiliated consultant inTechUK, a relevant solution provider of Reg-Tech, and a selected Cooperative Partner of KTN UK and Digital Catapult to support the data infrastructure of the Smart city, even served as a member of British WCIB (Worshipful company of International Banker).

James Huang

Chairman of Wu Yuan Group
James Huang was once an expert in finance before serving as the chairman of the Taipei National Martial Arts Association. Right before becoming the big shot in the field of economics, a sudden change caused a dramatic impact and redirected Huang into developing traditional martial arts. Since becoming the chairman, Huang has worked hard to bring new ideas to the 70-year-old art, integrate various martial arts styles, improve the standard of traditional martial arts, and actively promote international martial arts cultural exchange activities.

Janet Hsieh

Taiwanese Artist & TV Host
睽違10年 Janet 再度登上TEDx 的舞台,從外景節目主持人、演員到結婚成為人母,相信很多觀眾朋友都跟著她一起成長,總是在鏡頭中看起來自信、陽光的 Janet 當然也會遇到犯錯的時候,但她總是能不斷的從錯誤中學習經驗,把錯誤或危機成功地轉變成機會,其實犯錯並不可怕,能意識到錯誤,取得珍貴的經驗和教訓,就是一個進步。 永遠傳遞正面能量給大家的 Janet 要告訴大家,「從錯誤中學習」,比「從沒失敗過」更重要「錯,就對了」!

JD Chang

CEO of PMf Strategy
JD Chang is an entrepreneur and community organizer. Born in Taiwan and raised in the US, JD has launched several companies in A.I., lead gen, and even politics. He also founded the Asian American speaker series, Crushing The Myth. Currently, his Venn diagram is: Metaverse, B2B sales, and Asian American advocacy.

Melody Hsu

Founder of VIASWEAT
知名電商品牌 viaSWEAT的創辦人許安璿,不但是兩個孩子的母親,還擁有美國AFPA健康生活教練證照,同時身兼人妻、母親、創業家等多重身份,做到面面俱到實在是不容易,歷經憂鬱症、焦慮、過勞等種種負面情緒的影響下,她曾一度迷失自我,面對極大的生理與心理的挑戰,該如何做好平衡並找回自我價值呢? Melody 將在TEDxNeihu 以「你,好嗎?」作為主題,分享她生生不息的生活方式,希望鼓勵大家慢下來,聽見內心的聲音,用自我療癒的方式,在身心靈健康旅程上的方向前進 。

Monique Wang

CEO of The Shiner Education Foundation
The shiner education foundation focuses on serving children in rural areas and providing social services all around Taiwan. Advocating for life focus education, helping children to better know themselves and cultivate creativity as well as individual critical thinking skills.

Peter Su

Partner of PwC
Peter has spent many years working in the field of tax and law. Through so much professional and personal experience, he has discovered that possessing abilities that are able to be used in different fields, the ability to serve clients and customers effectively is extremely important.

Simon Wang

CEO of Find Core Goal Design
Having been the head of four different companies, Simon Wang has used his time not only to discover a lifestyle that is suitable for himself allowing him to industrious in his work but also rediscovered ways to maintain health and a sense of a normal life.

Organizing team


Taipei, Taiwan
  • Kira Wang
  • Victor Chen