x = independently organized TED event

Theme: De la Patagonia al Mundo

This event occurred on
October 21, 2022
Frutillar, Los Lagos

We believe that around the Llanquihue Lake there is qualified talent and notable initiatives taking place, which have sustainability as a common denominator, because of the ecosystem we inhabit inspires greater environmental, social, cultural and economic awareness.

This is why we organized this event, because we believe that around the Llanquihue Lake are numerous innovative initiatives and ideas worthy of being shared, from Patagonia to the world.

This first TEDx is just the beginning of what is to come. We seek to publicize the format and inspire the territory. For the next versions we hope to open the possibility that, from the same community, initiatives and people can apply or nominate themselves to be TED talkers.

Teatro del Lago
Av. Philippi 1000
Frutillar, Los Lagos, 5620000
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Frutillar events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Barbara Saavedra

Biologist and ecologist
Since 2005 she has been director for Chile of the Wildlife Conservation Society. Degree in Biology, Master in Ecology and PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. She has led, among others, the Karukinka Park project in Tierra del Fuego. CNID Councilor since 2014, she led the Committee for Biodiversity and Natural Capital Management, and promotes the Chilean Magallanes and Antarctica Natural Laboratory initiative. She led the Ecological Constitutionalism Network. She was president of the Society of Ecology of Chile and is director of various environmental organizations. It is currently promoting the creation of the Patagonian Peatlands Initiative.

Erwin Azocar

Folklorist and cultural manager
“My name is Ervin Azocar, after my mother I am Sovier. Through their eyes they have to see, that I am a very cocky rooster, I do not shut up about the unfair. This is how destiny made me, I speak my truth with tact. I am loyal and consistent, for all those present. Your friend El Frutillarino” His whole life has revolved around folklore and the vindication of this musical style. Live folk music in all its expressions and artistic, social and heritage manifestations.

Gonzalo Plaza

Social entrepreneur
He worked for more than 10 years as Executive Director of "Puentes Educativos" The last 13 years have been dedicated to working for rural development in countries of the Global South. Through Fundación 99, it has sought to transcend education, developing a model to reduce inequities from education, public space and infrastructure, and local economic development. He was chosen as one of the 16 young leaders by the World Economic Forum in 2012.

Manuel Rozas

11 years ago he arrived in Puerto Varas looking for a more humane community and ended up founding Kura Biotech, a world leader in enzymatic reagents for toxicological analysis. With Kura, Fundación Liquen and the energy of many, Manuel has participated in an unlikely path between entrepreneurship, science, community and conservation, receiving several awards in the process.

Maxiel Marchant

Lyrical singer and choral director
Founder and Artistic Director of Casa Municipal de la Música-Frutillar, director of the choirs for children, youth and adults of the same institution, director of the Voces Lacustres choirs of Puerto Varas, children's choir of the German Institute of Frutillar, children's choir of the Ilque Rural School. Its vocation is clear: to bring choral singing closer to all those who want to live this musical experience and to provide high-level artistic training for all without distinction.

Raffaelle Di Biase

Naturalist guide and ornithologist
Regional and national sustainable tourism leader. He is one of the most recognized naturalist guides in Chile and South America, co-founder and director of BirdsChile, Tourism Company B, Ambassador for Chile of the World Association of Adventure Tourism Companies ATTA, President of the PTI Ruta de los Parques de la Patagonia, member of the Promotion Committee of Fedetur and Vice President of the International Standards of Adventure and Nature Guides of ATTA. From his position as director of Fundación Legado Chile, he also works on the conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity.

Rocio Alvarado

social leader
Councilor of the commune of Puerto Varas, member of the Transforma Puerto Varas a citizen action movement. In addition to Councilor, she is Coordinator of the NGO Cuenca Sostenible. Law graduate and cook by trade. She developed professionally in the management of projects with a local and territorial approach, articulating public and private actors. She coordinated the first wool bank for artisans in southern Chile, a pioneering project in the world, and was the producer of the global Encuentro+B held in Frutillar and Puerto Varas in 2018.

Sebastian Errazuriz

Music composer and director
From Frutillar, UNESCO Creative City of Music, he was inspired and works every day to develop artistic projects making a crossover between learned music and popular music, performing arts such as theater, dance and opera. He currently works from sunrise to sunset at the Patagonia opera thanks to the international recognition of Iberescena. His latest project was Ópera Patagonia, premiered at the end of 2021. He is currently the principal conductor of the Los Lagos Regional Symphony Orchestra.

Vreni Haussermann

Biological scientist
Research professor at the Universidad San Sebastián. Her work has been focused on collecting information on the biodiversity of the fjords of Chilean Patagonia. She has led important international projects on the biodiversity of Patagonia, its distribution, conservation and threats. Among its main findings are the extensive banks of cold-water corals in superficial areas and the mortality of baleen whales, among others. He is currently recording a documentary on conservation in Patagonia.

Organizing team

María José

Frutillar, Chile

