x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Countdown: Climate Resilience

This event occurred on
December 10, 2022
Fukuoka, Hukuoka


Discover the bold ideas, innovative solutions and brilliant problem-solvers bringing us closer to achieving a zero-carbon world with the speed, scale and justice that is required.”

Garraway F
7F VIORO 2-10-3 Tenjin Chuo-ku
Fukuoka, Hukuoka, 8100001
Event type:
Countdown (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Fukuoka events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Sachiyo Hoshino

Special Adviser to the Director at UN-HABITAT
星野幸代 国連人間居住計画(ハビタット)アジア太平洋地域本部(福岡)本部長補佐官 東京都出身。神戸大学大学院修了。日本郵船、モルガンスタンレー証券会社を経て2004年より国連ハビタット福岡本部に勤務。イラク担当専門官としてイラク復興事業に従事したのち、現在は本部長補佐官として、廃棄物や上下水など環境分野のプロジェクトをアフリカやアジア太平洋地域で実施している。国内では、自治体・公共機関・教育機関等の委員等を務める。Born in Tokyo, Japan. Spent her elementary and middle school years in New York, USA. After working at NYK's head office in the fixed voyage department and at Morgan Stanley Japan Securities Co. She has been working at UN-HABITAT Fukuoka Headquarters since 2004.

Shunsuke Managi

Distinguished Professor of Technology and Policy & Director of Urban Institute at Kyushu University
馬奈木俊介 九州大学主幹教授、都市研究センター長、総長補佐。米国サウスカロライナ州立大学、東北大学等を経て、九州大学工学研究院教授、経済産業研究所ファカルティフェローを兼任。第16回日本学術振興会賞受賞。第25期日本学術会議会員。国連「新国富報告書」代表、国連「持続可能な開発に関するグローバル・レポート(SDGs報告)2023」評議員、国連「持続可能性のための新しい資本」円卓会議委員、IPCC代表執筆者、IPBES統括代表執筆者、OECD(貿易・環境部会)副議長、世界環境資源経済学会共同議長などを歴任。 Shunsuke Managi is the Distinguished Professor & Director of Urban Institute at the Kyushu University, Japan. He has been a director for UNEP Inclusive Wealth Report (IWR), ISC working group member for UN’ The Global Sustainable Development Report 2023, a lead author for the IPCC, a coordinating lead author for the IPBES, lead author of Policy Briefs T20 for the Presidency of G20 in 2022, and is the author of "Technology, Natural Resources and Economic Growth: Improving the Environment for a Greener Future" and editor of "The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Economics in Asia". He was the recipient of a JSPS Prize and council member of The Science Council of Japan.

Toshihiko Takemura

Distinguished Professor, Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University
竹村俊彦 九州大学応用力学研究所 主幹教授 2001年東京大学大学院理学系研究科博士課程修了。博士(理学)。九州大学応用力学研究所助手・准教授を経て、2014年から同研究所教授。専門は大気中の微粒子(エアロゾル)により引き起こされる気候変動・大気汚染を計算する気候モデルの開発。国連気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)第5次評価報告書主執筆者。自ら開発したシステムSPRINTARSによりPM2.5・黄砂予測を運用。世界で影響力のある科学者を選出するHighly Cited Researcher(高被引用論文著者)に7年連続選出。2018年度日本学士院学術奨励賞など受賞多数。気象予報士。Doctor of Science in 2001 from the Graduate School of Science at the University of Tokyo. After working as a research associate and associate professor at the Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, he has been a professor at the same institute since 2014. He specializes in the development of climate models to calculate climate change and air pollution caused by suspended particle matters (aerosols) in the atmosphere. He was one of the lead authors of the Fifth Assessment Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He operates a system, SPRINTARS, he developed to predict PM2.5 and dust aerosols.

Organizing team


Fukuoka, Japan


Fukuoka, Japan
  • Satomi Takei
    Team member
  • Takeo Noda
  • Tomoko Richard