x = independently organized TED event


This event occurred on
May 31, 2024
Shanghai, Shanghai

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

Huili School Shanghai
Huili School Shanghai, 235 Linyao Road, Pudong New Area
Shanghai, Shanghai, 200126
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­Huili­Shanghai events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Amy Zhang

#ENTP #电音爱好者 幼年开始学习钢琴并由此发展了即兴作曲的兴趣爱好。同时也是一枚绘画爱好者,在迷上日本动漫之后,成为了一名副其实的“二次元”!如果每一个动漫人心中都有一部神作,那么对于我而言那一定是吉田秋生的《战栗杀机》。一切有强立体感的事物都能让我提起兴致,因此我也沉迷于泥塑和练习瘦金体。最喜欢的古典艺术家是莫奈和梵高,我极为欣赏两人在印象派时期的共同的坚毅特质。幼年时在阿根廷的生活让我对自然界中的小动物充满了探究的好奇心,并最终如愿参加了阿思丹西双版纳热带雨林科创项目。运动上我尤其热爱羽毛球与网球,并在练习过程中体会着独属于运动的“暴力美学”。

Audrey Zhou

# A Maths enthusiast and lover of the arts and literature Audrey Zhou is a grade 10 Huili student. She’s the previous Xian House Captain and is also a Huili Scholar, with not one but two Huili Master Awards. She’s also an aspiring mathematician. It’s not every day you come across someone who scored full marks in their Maths IGCSE – she’s got a ‘Top in the World’ Award from the Cambridge to prove it! Since 2022, she’s been recognised with a Global Gold Award at both UKMT Intermediate and Senior Mathematical Challenge (IMC and SMC). She’s also accumulated merits and distinctions from the British Maths Olympiads. She’s equally passionate about arts and music and is in love with all things literature and poetry. With her talk, Audrey hopes to inspire you to see both the artistic and literary beauty of mathematics. She’s a firm believer that they share a lot more in common than we might think. Literature can well be intuitive and concrete, and mathematics can well be beautiful and romantic.

Candice Hua

#kpop #language_learning #sociology #linguistics #ai_vs_humanity #intj Candice Hua is a Grade 9 student at Huili School Shanghai, the deputy house captain of Hui House for 2 years, and the winner of the ‘Master Award’ for the 2020-21 school year. A passionate lover of psychology, social sciences, and linguistics, she likes to find the hidden beauty behind different languages and cultures. In our rapidly developing modern society, where people are overloaded with all kinds of information, learning a language is sadly becoming less and less popular. More of us tend to believe that AI technologies will handle translation processes, leaving us unmotivated to explore further. Having gone “against the tide,” Candice has generated many unique and fascinating insights as she compares languages (and dialects!). Whether learning languages is an enjoyable or stressful experience for you at present, hopefully, today’s talk will provide you with some new inspirations.

George Stekelis

#cat person #questioning the way things are done #exploring what it means to live a meaningful and purposeful life #passionate drummer Mr Stekelis is a serious man who does serious things. For example, he is serious about cats! Having graduated with a degree in Theology from Heythrop College, George has been teaching for 11 years -- 6 at Huili. Before China, George had only lived in England. His life was comfortable. He was doing all the right things, but he felt stuck. He took inspiration from Tracks by Robyn Davidson, a story about a woman who left her unfulfilling life to walk 1,700 miles of hostile Australian desert to the sea alongside four camels and a dog. In the book, Davidson quotes Renata Adler: “I think when you are truly stuck, when you have stood still in the same spot for too long, you throw a grenade in exactly the spot you were standing in, and jump, and pray.” This inspired George and his wife to move to China. 6 years on, it was the best decisions he ever made.

Jessica Wang

#From Lou Tang to the world: carrying goodwill and innovation for inner fulfilment 10th grade student, Jessica Wang, is head of the Charity Department of the Student Council, and the leader of the Lou Tang Migrant Children Charity Program, which was awarded the 2023 China Visionaries Rising Star Award for Outstanding Community Service Club. In yet another personal achievement, Jessica was the winner of a full scholarship to join a one-year social innovation program at Columbia University. And in 2021, she was awarded the honorary title of "New Era Lei Feng Junior" by the Dalian Municipal Education Bureau. The experience of public service accumulated since early childhood has nurtured her interest in public service innovation. Jessica is passionate about exploring her own sense of social responsibility and personal value in the process of helping others to solve their problems. With kindness and innovation, she believes we can work together to solve all our social problems.

Kobby Harding

Originally from Ghana, Kobby is a performing artist with keen interest in African Art. Ranging from contemporary and pop dance, acting and crafts such as painting and ceramics. Kobby has a master’s degree in Intercultural Communication studies from the Shanghai Theatre Academy and a bachelor’s degree in Theatre Art from the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana. He worked in the National Theatre of Ghana for 4 years as a dancer and has been teaching dance and choreographing for over 10 years. His major project was staged in April 2017 called ASOBOYA, an experimental research which looked at the extent to which animal gestures could be incorporated in African contemporary dance. His dance works engages and serves as a new bridge in adding on to dance vocabularies, where movements are obtained from living and non-living things. In dance, all his inspiration is extracted from the exposure of different dance groups and cultures from all around the world. One of his newest creation was a contemporary piece of merging African contemporary to Chinese opera which turned out to great from the audience appreciation and the offer to reproduce it in 7 locations. Kobby is also an amazing designer for clothing and costumes of many kinds, allowing performers to shine at their best, his clothes look to give more confidence with glamour to the individuals and performance. Kobby GhanaLine is full of creativity and out of standards. “I consider myself as an explore artist who is well skilled in choreography. After 10years of dance experience, I understand the elements of movement which has provided me with a systematic breakdown in putting movement together to fit an individual’s needs and to challenge them to find out how far they want to go. I am pretty flexible, understanding, efficient, easy to work and I am looking forward to helping you find your -Dance selfand be proud of it.” KOBBY

Lana Kulas

#SitDownSports #YOLO Lana Kulas is Second Master at Huili Shanghai and has been at Huili for 4 years. She is originally from Bosnia, moved to England when she was 9 and has since lived and worked in Qatar and China. In her spare time, she is a keen rower, traveller, reader and finance enthusiast. Once upon a time, she was also a rugby player until one broken bone too many made her fully committed to sit down only sports. She helps to run a charity that works with disadvantaged children in Bosnia and campaigns for better support and living conditions for children leaving care and those with special needs. She hopes to one day work out what she wants to do when she grows up.

Mia Pei

#业余同人女贝斯手 上海惠立学校十年级立院学生。热爱文学鉴赏、绘画、戏剧表演:曾经参加过学校两部戏剧《茶馆》与《红楼梦》的表演,也喜欢探索摇滚等类型音乐专辑与ACGN文化;在校内辩论比赛进入决赛,也曾经在学校创建慈善组织并举办相关的现场音乐表演活动。日常喜欢观察记录生活中的各种现象,试图探索并理解它们背后的成因,并结合个人想法进行创作和表达,在个人平台、校刊等都有文章发表。渴望尝试新事物与冒险,目前正在努力克服三分钟热度,尝试把不同的灵感归纳总结好,以上。

Mike Zhang

#想开了的人 #在I和E之间反复横跳 上海惠立学校九年级惠院学生。一个幽默乐观的戏精、热衷表演的美术生、一大堆没用的奖项的得主、一个喜欢和陌生人搭话的人。酷爱时政、历史、地理、设计,同时也是一位画地图的资深爱好者,喜欢从与他人的分享中收获成长。积极参加学生组织并担任惠立教育农园合伙人的项目负责人,从公益项目中对人与自然的连接有着深刻的思考。热爱国画,尤其欣赏北宋时期山水画与古代的文人画。热衷中国传统哲学并能够从《道德经》、《大学》、《论语》、《中庸》等书籍中汲取生活处事的方式。同学们公认的“戏精”,热爱表演、朗诵、主持,并在校园音乐剧《恐怖小店》当中担任跑龙套的角色。在如何演好配角上,我很有发言权。

Mingming Yang

#ENFJ #Passionate #CARAT #Kpop #Sci-fi Mingming Yang is a grade 8 student (Li house) at Huili School Shanghai. She is a fangirl, cat lover, coral reef protector, and passionate learner all wrapped up in one. In her leisure time, she has a wide range of hobbies, from reading to listening to music, to movie watching, knitting, and sometimes scuba diving. She also keeps busy by joining in sports at school, such as tennis and basketball. She is a member of the Youth Sports School and plays for one of the district teams in Shanghai. She recently represented Yangpu District in the Shanghai Games and was amongst the top 32 athletes in the women's youth group. When she’s not on the court, she’s on stage, with her cello. You may have seen and heard Mingming at a recent charity performance helping to raise funds for a charity that works with children with vision impairment.

Remy Ma

#Young volunteer teacher # founder of the Huili Gender Equality Club After two years working as a volunteer teacher in rural China, Remy Ma has a few thoughts of his own on the meaning of ‘equality’. Remy Ma is grade 10 student at Huili School Shanghai. He’s also the founder of the Huili Gender Equality Club. Over the past two years, he has had to chance to visit the Xiangxi region of Hunan Province, where he’s witnessed a completely different world from his native Shanghai – a world of unforgettable beauty, but also stark inequality. In Xiangxi, he’s come to the realization that inequality can be so easily and so often overlooked. In his talk, Remy shares with us his determination to change the lives of his students in Xiangxi, and change our world for the better.

Winnie Yang

#Never put off till tomorrow what may be done the day after tomorrow just as well Eighth grader attending Huili School Shanghai. With 10 years of experience at her piano, Winnie Yang loves music. She’s fond of playing and composing and combining popular songs with classical music pieces to create her own unique arrangements. A fervent reader of fiction (especially mythology), she aspires to create a fictional world of her own one day. She likes to explore both past and future through science fiction novels. She sees herself as a serious ‘accomplisher of random side-quests’, aka a procrastinator.

Organizing team




Shanghai, China