Frutillar Salon
x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Upcycling

This event occurred on
August 21, 2024
9:00am - 11:00am -04
(UTC -4hrs)
Puerto Varas, Los Lagos

TEDxFrutillar Salon Upcycling
Transforming Waste into Opportunities 🌿

In an era where excessive consumption and excess waste threaten our planet, upcycling appears with increasing force as an ingenious and innovative solution. We invite you to discover how this innovative practice is not only reducing waste, but also transforms what was previously useless into authentic functional solutions.

Come be part of this dialogue and learn about initiatives that are revolutionizing our territory and making a real difference. A day to inspire you and discover how you can contribute to a more sustainable future.

Join us to explore new ideas, learn about interesting projects and connect with other people passionate about sustainability and regeneration.

Club Aleman Tropera
San Jose 415
Puerto Varas, Los Lagos, 5550530
Event type:
Salon (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Frutillar ­Salon events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Benjamin Gonzalez

Founder of Ecovalora A.G, former Director of the Chinquihue Foundation.
Commercial Engineer (Economist) from Finis Terrae University, Diploma in Non-Profit Entities, University of San Pablo – CEU (Madrid, Spain) and Diploma in Innovation. Since 2016, Co-founder and CEO of Greenspot, a certified B company for the recovery and recycling of industrial plastic waste in Southern Chile. Benjamín has an outstanding business and union career, he was Administration and Finance Manager, and Territorial Manager at SALMONCHILE A.G., Founder of Ecovalora A.G where he currently serves as director. and former Director of the Chinquihue Foundation. He has also developed significant experience in Innovation Management both at Fundación Chile, CORFO and multilateral organizations.

Bernardita Correa

Sustainability Leader for IKEA Chile, Colombia and Peru
Journalist, MBA and one thousand percent convinced of the importance of collaborative work. He has worked all his life in civil society organizations such as Techo, the Padre Hurtado Foundation and the Jesuit Service for Migrants and the State, mainly on issues of social development and housing. At IKEA he has been leading the implementation of the IKEA Sustainability Strategy, People and Planets, for 4.5 years, in its immersion in both Chile and Colombia

David Espinoza

Deputy Executive Director of Corfo Los Lagos.
David Espinoza, auditor accountant from the Andrés Bello National University, Master in Science and Innovation Management, and diploma in Specialization in Innovation and Territory from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. In addition, he has training in Training Engineering, from Fundación Chile, and in Project Formulation, Preparation and Evaluation from the San Sebastián University. He is currently the Deputy Executive Director of Corfo Los Lagos.

Fernanda Piedra

Speaker and workshop leader on the relationship between consumption, garbage and climate crisis
Author of Zero Waste (Editorial Zig Zag, 2021). Speaker and workshop leader on the relationship between consumption, garbage and climate crisis since 2015. Host of the circular economy program and podcast Cinco Erres on Radio Frutillar. Lawyer and minor in comprehensive design from the Catholic University, master's degree in Fashion Journalism from the London College of Fashion, graduated with distinction. Creator of Miel magazine, the first Chilean online platform for slow living and zero waste in English and Spanish. Founder of Zero Waste Life - London, the first zero waste community in the English capital.

Organizing team

María José

Frutillar, Chile

