TEDxCharleston is an all-day immersion experience at the intersection of technology, science, art, performance and business. It is designed to enrich the Charleston, South Carolina community through presentations and entertainment that inspires, engages and transforms.
The 2013 TEDxCharleston theme is Reinvent. Speakers will share transformative concepts backed by inspired action - exploring breakthrough ideas that honor the past while bringing forth the full potential of something new. Our goal is to provide a platform where creative thinkers, profound visionaries, and fascinating teachers will inspire us and, in turn, be inspired.
Organizing team
Rachel Hutchisson
Speakers Committee -
Susan Bass
Speakers Committee -
Stacie McCormick
Speakers Committee -
Peg Clarkson
Audience Committee -
Jane Perdue
Audience Committee -
Mary Beth Natarajan
Branding/Marketing/Post Event Committee -
Igor Jocic
Branding/Marketing/Post Event Committee -
Sandy Morckel
Program Design -
Andrea Schenck
Program Design -
Cindy Johnson
Sponsors Committee -
Jenny Fowler
Venue Committee