Elizabath Fang
Elizabeth Fang is a Chinese-American from California, U.S.A. In March 2012, she finished her Masters in Education at the University of California, Davis. She moved to China in April 2012. Elizabeth also has a Masters in Music Education from San Jose State University (U.S.A). She told us her experience of traveling around the world and how to give light to the world
Gavin Scott
32 YO Australian Male,Former IELTS Oral Examiner. He used to work for Mercedes Benz, Volkswagon, EXIM Bank, China Development Bank, GE Healthcare, Bayer, CA, Wison, Steelcase. His topic is A gentleman in a time of equality
Xinshun Zhou
He is a famous wirter in China, He will explain the changes on social status of Chinese women from the year of 1901 to now.
Ruirui Cheng
He loves literature very much.His team worked for nearly 4 months to publish their own magazine, The magazine are sold around China.
Banana Club
They are a team from Fujian Province. They work together to start their own career.