TEDxMelbourne returns in 2013 with a series of events exploring the theme 'Untapped'.
What are we missing by only looking at the obvious? What other ways are there to experience the world? Is technology changing how we think?
Join other leaders, visionaries and change-makers as we tap into the vast pool of undiscovered, unrecognised and underground world of ideas through an afternoon of live TEDxTalks and videos. Maybe you'll discover some of your own untapped potential in the process...
Here's a small drop of some of the featured talks on the day:
The epidemic of over-seriousness: can the science of humour defend us?
Lifetime without fear: early treatment of anxiety disorders
Hello Mr Blue Sky: the clear future of solar technology
Also, Leyla Acaroglu, who delivered her talk Paper or plastic? to this year's TED conference in Long Beach, will be with us on stage.