A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Public space.
Doris Sung
How buildings can improve life — inside and out
Matthew Mazzotta
Playful, wondrous public spaces built for community and possibility
TED Radio Hour
The Power of Spaces
Elizabeth Diller
A stealthy reimagining of urban public space
Stefan Al
What happens if you cut down all of a city's trees?
Amanda Schochet
How bumble bees inspired a network of tiny museums
Eli Pariser
What obligation do social media platforms have to the greater good?
Janelle Peters
How Romans flooded the Colosseum for sea battles
Brian A. Pavlac
Ugly History: Witch Hunts
Brian D. Avery
How rollercoasters affect your body
Krishna Sudhir
How do cigarettes affect the body?
Walter Hood
How urban spaces can preserve history and build community
Ian Firth
Bridges should be beautiful
tobacco brown
What gardening taught me about life
Undocumented lives, inside out
John Cary
How architecture can create dignity for all