Organizer responsibilities
Being a TEDx organizer can be an extraordinary experience. It’s also a big commitment. We’re here to help you make sure you’re ready to take the TEDx leap.
If you’re thinking about becoming a TEDx organizer, below is a list of responsibilities for you to review.
Create a TED-like experience
Big ideas, rich storytelling and a multidisciplinary program are just a few qualities that make a great TED event. You’ll be expected to capture the spirit of TED in your event by sparking community connections and showcasing inspiring ideas that change perspectives.
Unearth local voices
As a TEDx organizer, you’ll have the option to feature live talks at your event, bringing attention to undiscovered voices in your community. If you decide to include speakers, actively search for incredible ideas, issues, or innovations happening locally and then look for those who are most qualified to present in those areas.
Excite and delight your audience
Making sure your audience is happy is essential for a successful event - from the moment your guests receive invitations to when they walk out of the event, they should feel like they’re experiencing something significant. Think of your audience’s needs every step of the way. (That includes your livestream audience, if you have one!)
Lead your team
A group of organized, impassioned people can make one powerful event – they just need the guidance and support to make it happen. Every person on your team (as well as your speakers!) should feel like they’re part of a caring, trusting and accountable community.
Follow rules and guidelines
We get it: rules can be a pain. But there’s a reason they’re part of the TEDx program – to make your job easier and to make sure each TEDx team is equipped to uphold the spirit, structure, and scope of the platform. With thousands of TEDx events taking place worldwide, these rules help provide consistency and support.
Produce great content
You’ll be responsible for creating a program that’s intriguing and impactful to your guests and viewers. Be prepared to be both organizer and producer of your gathering.
Celebrate and protect the TEDx vision
By licensing you as a TEDx organizer, we’re vesting in you a little piece of the TED vision. That means it’s your job to make sure the vision and mission of TEDx is protected and boldly celebrated.
Put in the work (and passion)
Organizing a TEDx event is a big endeavor, so make sure you have the time and dedication to do the hard work needed to create a great event.