Jamila Raqib works on pragmatic approaches to nonviolent action for activists, human rights organizations, academics and governments globally.

Why you should listen

Jamila Raqib is the executive director of the Albert Einstein Institution, which promotes the study and strategic use of nonviolent action worldwide. Since 2002, she has worked closely with Dr. Gene Sharp, the world's foremost scholar on strategic nonviolent action. Together, they developed a curriculum titled Self-Liberation: A Guide to Strategic Planning for Action to End a Dictatorship or Other Oppression. The publication is intended to provide in-depth guidance for planning a strategic nonviolent struggle.

Raqib represents the Institution at a number of domestic and international forums such as the Oslo Freedom Forum and the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations. Her work centers on presenting a pragmatic approach to nonviolent action to activists, human rights organizations, academics and governments. She travels throughout the world conducting consultations and workshops for individuals and groups seeking to achieve diverse goals such as opposing dictatorship, combatting corruption, attaining political rights, economic justice, environmental protection and women's empowerment.

She holds a B.A. in Management from Simmons College in Boston, MA, and is a Research Affiliate of the Center for International Studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Jamila Raqib’s TED talk

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