Juan Enriquez thinks and writes about the profound changes that genomics and brain research will bring about in business, technology, politics and society.

Why you should listen

A broad thinker, Juan Enriquez bridges disciplines to build a coherent look ahead. He is the managing director of Excel Venture Management, a life sciences VC firm. He cofounded the company that made the world's first synthetic life form and seed funded a company that may allow portable brain reading.

Enriquez's book, RIGHT/WRONG: How Technology Transforms Our Ethics, shows why we should be a little less harsh in judging our peers and ancestors and more careful in being dead certain that what we do today will be regarded as ethical tomorrow. In 2015, he published Evolving Ourselves: How Unnatural Selection and Nonrandom Mutation Are Shaping Life on Earth with Steve Gullans. The book describes a world where humans increasingly shape their environment, themselves and other species.

What others say

“Juan Enriquez will change your view of change itself.” — Nicholas Negroponte

More news and ideas from Juan Enriquez

Live from TED2020

A smarter future: Notes from Session 7 of TED2020

July 3, 2020

For the penultimate session of TED2020, an exploration of amazing forces shaping the future — from cancer-fighting venom to spacecraft powered by lasers and much more. Below, a recap of the night’s talks and performances. Amanda Gorman, poet Big idea: We all have the power to end the devastation of climate change. Let’s get to […]

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Border Stories: A night of talks on immigration, justice and freedom

September 12, 2019

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TED en Español: el primer evento de oradores TED de habla hispana

April 29, 2018

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