Matt Langione

Quantum advocate
BCG's Matt Langione is a partner in the firm's Boston office, where he brings research-intensive deep tech innovations to market.

Why you should listen

Matt Langione is a partner at the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) where he specializes in bringing research-driven, high-potential "deep tech" to market. A leading global expert on the industrial applications of quantum computing, he publishes regularly on topics at the nexus of science, business and policy. At BCG, he advises Fortune 500 companies on building quantum computing (and other technologies that are poised to leap out of the lab) into their digital transformation roadmaps. He has addressed audiences at major conferences in the field and has helped steer U.S. Government policy and investment in quantum computing as part of the Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C) and the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

Closing the gap between science and society has been a lifelong pursuit for Langione. He completed a dissertation at Berkeley on what happens in our brains when we're reading and why literary experience has unique, portable cognitive value. He has published on a diverse range of topics from philosophy to contact tracing and art and nuclear waste.

Matt Langione’s TED talk

More news and ideas from Matt Langione


Symbiotic: The talks of TED@BCG 2020

October 23, 2020

How can we make advances in technology that don’t require massive job losses? Work with nature to protect both the planet and humanity? Ensure all people are treated equitably? In a day of talks, interviews and performances, 17 speakers and performers shared ideas about a future in which people, technology and nature thrive interdependently. The […]

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