Mona Chalabi tries to take the numb out of numbers. She's left with lots of "ers."

Why you should listen

After working for a humanitarian organisation, Mona Chalabi saw how important data was, but also how easily it could be used by people with their own specific agendas. Since then, her work for organizations like Transparency International and The Guardian has had one goal: to make sure as many people as possible can find and question the data they need to make informed decisions about their lives.

Chalabi is currently the Data Editor of the Guardian US, where she writes articles, produces documentaries and turns data into illustrations and animations. In 2016, her data illustrations were commended by the Royal Statistical Society.

Mona Chalabi’s TED talks

More news and ideas from Mona Chalabi


TED launches TED Audio Collective for podcasts

February 22, 2021

On February 22, 2021, TED launches the TED Audio Collective to house its growing collection of podcasts. While broadly known for its global conferences and signature TED Talk videos, TED is also one of the top podcast publishers in the world. TED podcasts are downloaded 1.65 million times per day in virtually every country on […]

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