Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak

Economist, rational optimist
BCG’s Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak researches structural and cyclical themes of the global economy.

Why you should listen

Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak is BCG's global chief economist. His research spans real, financial and global economic themes. Using a narrative-driven approach, his research often calls out the doomsaying that dominates public debate. He is the coauthor of Shocks, Crises, and False Alarms: How to Assess True Macroeconomic Risk (Harvard Business Review Press, 2024) and a frequent contributor to Fortune, Harvard Business Review, World Economic Forum and other publications.

Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak’s TED talk

More news and ideas from Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak


Flipside futures: The talks of TED@BCG 2023

November 16, 2023

Today is good, but tomorrow can always be better. There are new possibilities for our future if we use our uniquely human creativity. In a day of talks and performances, 16 leading minds gathered to flip expected thinking on its head and map out how we might build a brighter future. The event: TED@BCG: Flipside […]

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